Madder men
January 23rd, 2010

Madder men


  1. Doktor Andy

    I love it!

  2. MrGBH

    Dagnabbit, why does Marvel UK not do any cool retailer promotions like that? Okay, it might be because DC UK only has two titles, both of which are ridiculously poor sellers, but still. It would be nice.

  3. megadeth

    “cool promotion?” :S

    it was a “we are assholes” promotion, it sucked and shows lack of respect from marvel to comic shops and to DC…

  4. Dk

    You guys should be more famous. Alongside letsbefriendsagain this is one of my favorite comic related webcomics.

  5. Kwame

    Lol, the only thing I’ve read from Valiant is Quantum and Woody by Christopher Preist and that was hilarous. Wish it actually had an ending though.

  6. Sean

    Quantum and Woody rocked!

    I wish many of Priest’s books had proper endings….

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