It’s gonna be just like this
February 21st, 2010

It’s gonna be just like this


  1. Brandon

    In response to

  2. adam

    i’m guessing you’re envisioning geoff johns as the writer, then

  3. Wizards?

    i’m guessing you’re envisioning as the writer, then

  4. Wizards?

    i’m guessing you’re envisioning [insert name here] as the writer, then

  5. Nitz the Bloody

    The worst part is that Watchmen itself has several comprehensive ” Secret Origin ” stories, particularly for Rorscach and Dr. Manhattan, which do this sort of thing without feeling the need to extrapolate on every last detail and its significance. Of course, Watchmen was only 12 issues, so Moore and Gibbons didn’t have the luxury of wasting time on trivia.

  6. ChastMastr

    Thank God, it’s not happening after all.

  7. chudleycannonfodder

    Wizards, the reason that Adam chose Geoff Johns was because of Johns heavy usage of puns. See: for an example of how Johns writes.

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