Just reimagine!
November 9th, 2010

Just reimagine!


  1. Alex

    Pretty much spot on about how I feel about the book. I’ve not read it as the previews and interviews didn’t appeal to me, but I long ago learned that you can’t slam a book/movie/whatever for doing what it aimed to do just because you don’t like it.

    You don’t go to a romance movie hoping Jason bursts through the window for his next killing spree.

  2. Nikolai

    Clever punch line with the new readers not being new readers to comics

    I have the same Galactus toy!

  3. MrGBH

    Just an hour ago I was wondering when you were going to do your next ‘video’ review.

  4. Rodrigo Leme

    “What windmill are you tilting at today?”
    “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s not a miracle book.”

    Not only a couple of the best quotes ever, but also character defining. Kudos.

  5. Imitorar

    The third and fourth blocks perfectly captured my feelings toward this book. Only my reaction to the story itself was much more negative than just a “meh”.

    Also, this strip made me think “what if Spider-Man were to first be published today?” It was not a pretty thought, since I kept returning to emo!Spidey from the third movie.

  6. Linda

    Spot. On, guys. Way to go!

    Of course, Josh will never do that review, because Return of Bruce Wayne #6 will have melted his brain by now.

  7. Ciro

    So he defends Earth One but blasts Secret Origin…????

    SMH… senseless.


    “You don’t go to a romance movie hoping Jason bursts through the window for his next killing spree.”

    What are you talking about? That’s why I watch -any- movie!


    And, ok, I got Galactus and Batman in the background, but who’s that guy on the far left?

    Also, in the first panel…I could be wrong, but is that Grant Morrison’s self-insert character from “The Invisibles”?

  10. Brandon

    >>And, ok, I got Galactus and Batman in the background, but who’s that guy on the far left?

    It is an Optimus Prime Mighty Muggs.


    Ohhhh, ok!

  12. Banana Fana

    “So I take it you liked it?”


    like that will ever, ever happen

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