CCI at 2 AM Thursday morning outside Hall H (The H is for Hollywood. Well not really but it’s where all the Hollywood presentations are held) more than 7 hours before the hall opens and more than 9 hours before a panel starts in the hall.
Photo via CBR
So San Diego Comic Con 2008 is over, and I had a really good time.
It’s gotten so huge, and it is much more than just an average comic con. I can see why some comic fans can be resentful that comics are no longer the sole focus of the con anymore. They feel that what once was theirs is now gone. They feel that was once the pinnacle of comics fandom is now being overshadowed by other media. And the way the hall is sectioned even reinforces that with the right half of the hall being comics (publishers, dealers, creators) and the left half being other media/pop culture.
I’ll be going to SDCC on Wednesday the 23rd. But don’t worry. A new comic for that day is done and will be up.
I’m not exhibiting or tabling this year. I’m just going for fun and to hang out with friends. And maybe do a little research for the comic.
So see you in SD.
Recently, I’ve been working on the style of the comic. Since this is a my first real color webcomic, I’ve been trying to find a style that works for me.
So far, I’ve been using a similar style that I used for my B&W comics. I use thick lines and light shading for the characters and thinner lines for the backgrounds. This style makes the characters somewhat standout from the background.
But since this is a color comic, I have more choices as to how I want to handle things. With B&W, I only have black , white and some shades of gray. But with color, I have many more options although I do use a somewhat limited color pallet to make things a little more controlled.
I recently experimented with a background style of border less backgrounds in such the backgrounds are made up of only color shapes with no black outlines. The style is similar to ones that some 2D characters use. Below is a test of one of the panels from this week’s comic.
I kind of like it. The characters seem to pop more and it gives the background a little more character to them. Sean liked it but was a little hesitant on changing things. We would like to know what the public thinks. Would you like to see us try this style in the actual comic? Or do you think the current style is more to your liking?
As you might of noticed, we have added Project Wonderful ads to the site.
We mostly added these ads to help pay for the hosting the comic. While we are not strapped for cash, it would be nice to have the comic pay for itself.
It you have any questions or concerns, let us know.