Infinite Hiatus
Sunday June 23rd, 2013

Infinite Hiatus

Comic Critics blog

Mjolnir Dollar Baby

by Sean Whitmore

(Other possible names for this post from Twitter: “Asgard as it Gets”, “Fear and Loki in Las Vegas”, and “How Stella Götterdämmerung Back”.)

As anyone who’s been paying attention can see, we’ve got a slew of comic book movies this year. From the obvious (X-Men: First Class, Captain America, Green Lantern) to the less obvious (Dylan Dog, Priest), to the debatable (Green Hornet, Conan the Barbarian). And we can’t tackle everything worth saying about them in the comic, so we turn to our often forgotten blog section! More thoughts (but no spoilers) behind the jump.

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3 days of Comics

by Brandon Hanvey

Well WonderCon 2011 has come and gone, and I still have a smile on my face. I had a great time tabling with Sean (who came all the way up from LA), seeing the sights, buying new books, and meeting people.

Thanks to all the people who came by our table, said hi and/or got a Review sketch. Since I switched to drawing my comics digitally back in 2006, I was a little out of practice using pen and ink. But I think most of the sketches came out well.

If WC11 was your first exposure to Comic Critics, let us know if you have any questions or comments. Now back to drawing funny things about the medium we all love.

Photo via: popculturegeek

Marissa says…

by Brandon Hanvey

CC! Character Map

by Brandon Hanvey

I decided to map the Comic Critics characters in a similar method to the inside back cover of Scott Pilgrim Volume 3.



CC! at WonderCon 2011

by Brandon Hanvey

Sean and I will be at WonderCon this year. This will be our first con attending as an exhibitor together. We’ll be there for all three days of the con in the Artist Alley at table AA-140.

While we will have no merch on sale, we will have free postcards will exclusive CC! comics. We’ll also be doing what we call “Review Sketches.” The basic idea is you bring a comic to us. We’ll do a quick little review of the comic in comics form with Sean providing the words and me drawing the character.

So if you are going to the con, be sure to stop by and say hi and maybe pick up some free stuff.